I start my new job in five days. At this late stage, I find it interesting that I still haven't been informed exactly where or when my new employers would like me to turn up on Monday morning.
"Interesting" in the "may you live in interesting times" sense, that is.
Oh dear.
Not knowing when to show up is a minor problem. Not knowing where... yes, that could be quite interesting. Good luck. And with real luck you'll only be updating this site with tales from past jobs. :)
I've had to figure this out on the first day after being told WHEN to report, and the name of the building to report TO, but not the actual physical address of the building ITSELF. Quite confuzing when you've only just moved to town a few days earlier. Made even more complex by the fact I didn't have current contact information and had to look in a pay phone's directory to call and ask.
Luckily it was only a block or so away; Unluckily it turned into possibly the worst job I'd ever had.
Good luck in your new position!
It has been several weeks (April 11 to currently May 3rd). I hope you found the place, and are having a nice time. Good luck.
glad -- mostly ;) -- to see you've had no stories to post in your first month. Please when you can share something from the past, which will surely be much more fun for you to retell in hindsight than in midst of the battle. And will give long time fans their cow-orker fix.
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