11 April, 2006

With friends like, er, me...

Have persuaded a friend to apply for the Token Human's job (that was formerly the Cow-orker's job before she came back and took my job - if the organisational incest continues at this rate we should see our first crop of cubicle hillbillies any week now).

Anyway. I felt vaguely guilty about encouraging him to put in an application, so I sent him the URL for the old site. This didn't deter him.

Maybe he thinks I was exaggerating.

Muah hah hah...


Anonymous said...

Well who needs friends anyway

Argh said...

Why would I need friends when I have such wonderful workmates?

Anonymous said...

If your friend comes to work there will be another other than you that can connect this and the other site with your workplace.

Two can keep a secret if one is dead.

You may have a future as toast. Like the first time that he identifies someone by asking if they are the cow-orker. Or tries to straighten her out by applying knowledge that he should not have. Your defense that he has been extensively filled in over a few beers will be sorely tested: what ever you supposedly said over a few beers may still be held against you. And Does Australia follow England or US on libel? In the US the truth will allow you to call a person of unwed parents a bastard, in England you still libeled them.


Argh said...

Two can keep a secret if one is dead.

Bah. He'll either kill himself in despair, or the Cow-orker in a fit of rage. Either way I'm covered :)

Anonymous said...

As my current workmate says, that sort of money will allow me to put up with a lot of *&^*^#@$.

And after reading this, I don't think I'll have to ask anyone if they're the cow-orker, it should be pretty obvious.

The replacement

Argh said...

I wouldn't consider myself a greedy man but, as anaesthetics go, money stopped doing it for me a long time ago.