01 November, 2005

Once more unto the breach

And after only a few days away, I've been asked back to my old work yet again - this time for up to several weeks. This time around things may not be quite as much fun: the Cow-orker won't be away on holiday, I'll be working directly under the Crazy Man, and I'll be working in the basement of the building, referred to by all and sundry as The Dungeon due to the concrete walls (painted, at least), near-total lack of natural light, and sepulchral atmosphere.

The things I do to earn a living...


Anonymous said...

There must be jobs available that don't involve the cow orker or Project Death Spiral. Surely.

Even flipping burgers...

Argh said...

Ah, but where would be the fun or the challenge in that?

(Answer: no idea, but that's not going to stop me from trying to find out.)

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should try something with a less toxic kind of environment. Perhaps one of those labs where they do patch tests on the skin on your arm? Or as a training dummy in a rape defence seminar?

Anonymous said...

At least if you are in the basement you wont see quite so much of the cow orker

Anonymous said...


Still, your life, your sanity. All I can do is look forward to the cries of despair in your blog.

Drew @ Cook Like Your Grandmother said...

Admit it, it's not to earn a living. It's to get material for your blog.

Anonymous said...

I worked in a place like that once. It had been built as a safe and then redesigned as the most insecure security control room ever (since the door wouldn't shut and the door to the outside risked collapsing if you leant on it)

Anonymous said...

So how long have you had this masochistic tendency anyway? Inquiring minds wanna know. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Have you heard the joke about the hunter and the bear that has the punchline "You're not really here for the hunting, are you?" Remind you of anything?

Anonymous said...

You're just plumb loco, man! Plumb loco!!

(We now return you to your regularly-scheduled programming)